Aroma of Christ- to the World

“For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” 2 Corinthians 2:15

We, the children of God, are the aroma of Christ. We carry the nature, attitude, and presence of Jesus. That verse has two key parts to it: to God, and to the world. Jesus Christ was perfectly pleasing to the Father. Since we are united with Christ and carry His likeness, God sees us the way He sees Jesus. Thus, the aroma of Christ to God. The second half of the verse is the fact that we are the aroma of Christ to the world around us. Jesus perfectly demonstrated the heart of the Father to everyone He met. If we carry the likeness of Jesus, then the world should see us the way they saw Jesus. They won’t see us as the Savior Messiah, but as people who love indiscriminately and carry the presence and heart of God. Not only does God see us as having lived the perfect life of Jesus, He made it possible for us to actually live like Jesus did by giving us His Spirit.

“…those who are led by the Spirit of God are Sons of God.” Romans 8:14

Jesus said that anyone who has faith in Him will do what He did and greater. (John 14:12) When we become sensitive to God’s Spirit in us, we actually begin to walk out what Jesus said we could be. We begin to see lost people as precious people who need to discover the immense love of God. It is only through Holy Spirit that we can be the aroma of Christ to the world around us. Christ was perfectly submissive to the Father and perfectly sensitive to the Spirit. That is the heart of God for all of His children; that is the aroma of Christ.

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